2025 Business Fee Schedule

The Business Fee Schedule provides a detailed list of the fees and minimum balances associated with each of the products and services AMOCO offers.

All Fees - Effective 01/01/25

Business Share Account | Savings

Dormant Account (after 1 year of dormancy)

$10.00 per month

Account Maintenance


Business Share Draft Account | Checking

Account Reconciliation/Research

$20.00 hourly

Duplicate Deposit

$30.00 per item

Insufficient Funds

$20.00 per item

Printed Checks

Based on vendor pricing

Stop Payment

$30.00 per item

Account Maintenance | Checking




$10.00 per month


$20.00 per month

*No daily average balance minimum required. **FREE if $5,000 daily average balance is met. ***FREE if $10,000 daily average balance is met.

Transaction Limits | Checking

Basic (50 transactions per month)

$0.30 per transaction thereafter

Plus (100 transactions per month)

$0.30 per transaction thereafter

Premium (200 transactions per month)

$0.30 per transaction thereafter

Transactions include electronic transactions, deposits, withdrawals, checks paid, checks cashed, debit card transactions, remote deposit images.

Other Fees

Additional User*

$5.00 per month, per user

Cash Exchange | Change Order

$5.00 per order

Cashier's Check

$3.00 per item

Cashier's Check Stop Payment

$30.00 per item

Coin Machine (loose coin only)

5% of total

Collection Item (incoming)

$25.00 per item

FED Bank Wire Incoming (United States)


FED Bank Wire Outgoing (United States)

$20.00 per wire

Money Order

$1.00 per wire

Non-AMOCO ATM Transactions

$2.00 per transaction

Paper Statement

$5.00 per statement

Return Mail (account statements)

$5.00 per item

*Account access via Online Banking and Mobile App. First two users are free with membership.

Non-AMOCO Members

Cashier's Check

$10.00 per item

Coin Machine (loose coin only)

10% of total

Fees are based on either the credit union’s direct cost for each service and/or the man hours necessary to offer each service or perform each service for our membership.